God’s Timing Is Perfect (9 Reasons His Timing Is Amazing)

God’s timing is perfect. If you’re a Christian, chances are you’ve heard this phrase in a church sermon.

It makes sense, right? God’s timing is perfect because He is God. However, there are several reasons why God knows what is best for us and why our own timing can be wrong.

We have deadlines, obligations, a narrow perspective (compared to Him). Let’s face it, we are impatient!

God doesn’t struggle with any of these things. In fact, His schedule and His timing aren’t dependent on our schedule.

His guidance in our life might come late for what we want or expect, but His timing is perfect none-the-less.

Don’t let this simple phrase fool you. God’s timing doesn’t mean that your timing is worthless, nor does it mean there’s no reason to respect time and a schedule.

It simply means that God knows all and things occur in His perfect time, not ours. We still need to work hard and focus on improving our faith!

Let’s take a closer look at this common phrase, God’s timing is perfect.

Is God’s Timing Always Perfect For Us

If we look at the phrase from our perspective, God’s timing may not always seem perfect. It’s important to understand that His timing isn’t our timing.

With this in mind, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t accept or deny a job offer and it certainly doesn’t mean we should refuse an engagement proposal because God hasn’t given us a definitive answer.

God’s timing is the result of our prayers, consultations, and knowledge of Scripture. His guidance appears through a variety of sources (also read How To Give Grace).

Christians should consult with God through prayer when there is an important decision to make. Prayer is essential to being a Christian and the more we develop our faith, the more we will understand God’s direction.

God’s answers also come through His teachings in Scripture and appears in church leadership. So, we shouldn’t pray then sit back and wait for God’s timing to occur. We should use prayer, consult with mentors and church leaders, and talk to family members.

Proverbs 19:20-21
Listen to counsel and accept discipline,
That you may be wise the rest of your days.
Many plans are in a man's heart,
But the counsel fo the Lord will stand.

Christians and Scripture can provide valuable insight into what God wants for our lives – this is all part of God’s timing and it rarely occurs when we expect it.

Sometimes, we will encounter a result that we are not happy with or that comes unexpectedly. These circumstances may be challenging but God has a way of teaching us and blessing our lives in ways that we can’t imagine.

9 Reasons God’s Timing Is Perfect

1. He Doesn’t Have Deadlines

Each day we are confronted with deadlines. Reports have to be submitted at work and homework must be turned in at school.

God doesn’t have these deadlines and He is not overly concerned about ours but He does want the best for us. If we have deadlines we must follow through on our worldly obligations knowing that God’s timing never occurs in haste.

2. He Is Never Impatient

God is never impatient and His timing isn’t rushed. His schedule is solely based on caring for His flock and we are a part of it (also read Best Ways To Spend Time With God).

Most of us are quite the opposite of patient. We live in a fast-paced society and even the most patient people tend to want quick results. Patience is a wonderful character trait to develop and it’s even more important when we are waiting on God’s timing.

To become more Christ-like, pray for God’s patience and you’ll better understand God’s timing.

3. God’s Timing Is Honest

God’s timing is always honest. Everything occurs in His perfect timing and there are no games with waiting nor is there truth that has been manipulated.

This reason why God’s timing is better is based on how He answers our prayers. When we receive guidance in His perfect timing, we get the truth.

After all, the Bible is God’s truth and we can find all His guidance in Scripture – it never contradicts!

4. His Judgement Is Never Clouded

Have you ever made a major decision without having something else on your mind? Our minds are filled with so many things each day and sometimes it’s tough to make a clear decision without being influenced.

Influence can come from our own desires, from friends, or more generally media and society. At times we won’t even realize how we’ve been influenced.

When things happen in God’s timing, we know He is never influenced by others or by society. His timing is precise and clear and He doesn’t have a priority checklist of who to help or answer first.

God’s timing is right and His judgement is never clouded.

5. He Only Has You In Mind

There are billions of people on the planet, and billions before have lived on Earth. As humans, our circle of acquaintances is limited (my Bible reading guide for beginners).

We can only know so many people and whether we notice it or not we prioritize the people around us based on importance. For most people, family is a priority, then friends and church family, then work colleagues.

It’s hard to manage all of our relationships and we only have so much time in a day.

God has and wants a relationship with all of us. He waits patiently to hear our praise, our confessions, and our questions. Even though He knows all of our hearts, when we come to Him we are treated as the only one.

With you in mind, God’s timing will always be perfect. You won’t be second in line!

6. God’s Timing Has Perspective

God has perspective for our lives and for the world. He created the world long ago and His timeframe is vast – it is far greater than our short lives.

This doesn’t mean God’s timing will come after we are gone, but it does mean that He has perspective that we can’t understand. Compared to God we have a narrow perspective, built around our schools, places of work, and places of worship.

We can travel, read, and study Scripture and this give us new perspectives, yet it is still nothing compared to the perspective of God. Trust God’s timing because He has perspective.

7. Even His “Bad Timing” Is Perfect

Recently I heard a neighbor comment about an acquaintance. He said “he had horrible timing”. Bad timing exists, and it can can cause problems.

Bad timing can result in traffic accidents, a missed meeting, and getting caught in the rain. God’s timing, however, isn’t attached to our worldly occurrences and even though it might seem like bad timing to us, it’s always perfect.

There is always a reason behind His timing.

How could God’s timing be bad?

8. There Are Never Strings Attached

In our lives decision are often made with obligations associated to them. Some are direct (contracts) while others are indirect (inferred obligations).

God’s timing, whether in answered prayers, blessings, or challenges never have strings attached. God will never say “Do this for me and I’ll do that for you”. His guidance and answered prayers are a result of His goodness.

Even God’s blessings are provided with pure intentions. As Christians, God expects us to act in accordance with His Word. However, there are never strings attached when He guides us (also read Funny Christian Pick-up Lines).

9. No Appointment Necessary

Have you ever made an appointment with God? This is actually a great idea for organizing your daily routine and ensuring that you spend time with Him.

Making a daily appointment with God is a way to hold ourselves accountable and interact with Him. With this said, God never requires an appointment. He is available any time of day and He always listens.

God’s timing is perfect in regards to His availability. Our timing is limited by the hours in a day, by school and work, and by our need to sleep.

God’s Timing In Scripture

There are several verses that elude to God’s timing. In the Scripture below, you can read how the Biblical authors explain God’s perfect timing. It give us perspective and patience. These verses are assuring and have a calming feeling for those of us who get impatient at times.

Jeremiah 29:11-12
“ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me,
and I will listen to you.”
Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord
Be strong,
And let your heart take courage;
Wait for the Lord.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven.
Micah 7:7
But as for me, I will look to the Lord
I will wait for the God of my salvation
My God will hear me.
Lamentations 3:25-26
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him
It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.
Psalm 90:4
For a thousand years in your sight are
but as yesterday when it has past,
Or as a watch in the night.


“God’s timing is perfect” is a phrase we hear often during Sunday sermons and from church group leaders. If you’re a Christian you likely believe that God’s timing is always perfect.

It’s interesting to consider that His timing is not the same as our timing. We often want immediate answers and we can be impatient.  If we truly subscribe to God’s perfect timing, we must understand that it won’t always come when we expect it.

The truth is that God’s timing is always superior to ours. This doesn’t mean we sit around and wait for God to make our decisions for us, or to answer our prayers. God’s timing will guide us through Scripture, through Christian family, and mentors.

Be aware that God’s timing can come at any time. The more we build our faith, the more we will realize that His timing is perfect and just.