18 Funny Bible Verses | Humor In Scripture!

Funny Bible verses are found in Scripture, however, not all of them are meant to be funny. More often than not, funny Scripture can be found in Biblical stories. The traditional language used to describe a scene is uncommon to our ears and as a result it makes us laugh.

In the following sections, I will share whether humor and sarcasm is meant to appear in the Bible and the role of humor in faith. I compiled a list of 18 funny Bible verses and I hope it brings a smile to your face.

The last section shares Bible verses that are about joy and happiness. They not be “funny” but they do encourage us to celebrate and enjoy life!

Is There Humor In The Bible (Or Sarcasm)?

Most people don’t read the Bible as a joke book nor do they think of God as humorous.  I would agree. The Bible and the messages found in it are pretty serious having primarily to do with living righteously and understanding spiritual things.  

However, on a closer examination, we can find references to laughing and instances in which surprising somewhat humorous comments are made.  

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Beginning with Genesis the Bible tells the stories of creation, the chosen people, kings, prophets, empires, devastation, restoration, messiah, followers, church and revelation.  All the while focusing on God’s relationship and interaction with all of the above.

So let’s begin with the beginning and see what we can find about God’s sense of humor.

I don’t know if others enjoy strange animal videos on the internet but some of them are hilarious.  Birds who do strange dances, self-important meerkats who stand sentinel-like and beetles who make balls of dung all reflect an uncanny sense of humor when you really think about it.

When God created the world and all of its life He must have been having a great time. Yes, in just a few verses we are shown no sign of a cosmic killjoy many believe him to be.

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From Genesis 1:20-24 he creates fish, birds, sea monsters, cattle, creeping things and beasts.

In those 4 short verses millions of species are created for man to “rule” over.  Just think about a monkey for example or a warthog.

Some animals are too beautiful for words but many are just plain ridiculous. While humans were commissioned to rule over or to care for them it seems God expected us to find the duty pleasurable at least if not plain fun!

Does Humor Have A Role In Faith?

Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart doeth good like medicine:
but a broken spirit drieth up the bones.

 In Proverbs, King Solomon advises us to have a merry heart. And technically while not “faith” per se, our daily lives include our faith and our daily walk.  So it seems to me that God’s desire for us is to be merry and not have a broken spirit.

Psalm 126:2
Then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing:
then they said amongst the heathen,
The LORD hath done great things for them.

When we are happy or “merry” others might notice and understand that God is the source of our happiness.  

While there are enough verses to show that God wants us to be joyful, happy and merry it does not mean that it should be at the expense of another or because of lewd or off-color joking.

Ephesians 5:4
Neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor jesting which are not convenient:
but rather giving of thanks.

We should be cheerful and happy because we are thankful to be blessed by the God of the universe.

18 Hilarious Bible Verses You Should Know (with context)

1. Genesis 21:6 

And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.

Now in this verse you may think that God was telling Sarah a joke, however in context it was quite different.  Seems that Sarah was very old by that time and Abraham was near 100.

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Previously in chapter 18 three “men” visited Abraham.  While Abraham was dining and speaking with them Sarah was inside the door of the tent eavesdropping.

One of the men, identified as “the LORD”, said that the couple would have a son.  Sarah laughed because she knew it was impossible since she was so old.  

Of course, when “the Lord” asked why Sarah laughed she denied it.  “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” He said that he would come back in a year and she’d have a son.  “And you did laugh”, he said, getting the last word!

2. 1 Kings 18

So they shouted louder and louder and cut themselves with knives and lances, as was their custom, until the blood gushed over them

The story of Elijah, King Ahab and Jezebel is very dramatic and has a humorous section where Elijah is being very sarcastic.  Elijah as God’s prophet wants a showdown between Baal and the true God of Abraham.

He invites the 450 priests of Baal and the 400 priests of Asherah to build an altar and lay a bull on it.  The challenge was to call down fire from heaven to burn the sacrifice.

The priests danced around all day, cutting themselves and crying out to Baal. The Bible even says by the end they were limping around with gushing blood.  And what did Elijah do?

He egged them on and said, Cry louder he can’t hear you.  He may be too busy or maybe he’s relieving himself. (Going to the bathroom!)

Of course, Baal did not come through for the priests but when Elijah stepped up to his altar he asked for it to be drenched in water 3 times.  He then asked God to light the fire.

The fire came from heaven, consumed the meat, the wood, the rocks and the water.  Nothing was left. Point made.

3. 2 Kings 2 

From there Elisha went up to Bethel.  As he was walking along the road some boys came out of the town and jeered at him.  “Get out of here baldy,” they said.  

“Get out of here baldy.”

Ridiculing an old guy is not actually funny but the fact that the Bible records it is.  Actually this is the type of story where it helps to understand the situation or context.

It seems that as usual, prophets were not all that appreciated.  Even though they were doing God’s work.

So, it seems the translated “some boys” were actually a large group of more than 42 young men and Elisha just got tired of the harassment, turned around and asked God to take care of them (a curse).

Suddenly two female bears came along and mauled 42 of them.  Elisha continued on his way to Bethel.

4. Numbers 22 Balaam and His Donkey

Talking animals, here is a story about a donkey.  Balaam was a seer hired by Balak a rival king of Israel, to prophesy against the Jews.

Balaam had a number of conversations with the Lord about this and didn’t want to go.  However, he finally did go but said he could only speak what God told him.

Traveling with his donkey the animal refused to proceed and he hit the donkey three times.  The donkey finally got tired of it and sat down between two walls because he could not turn side to side.

This really set Balaam off and he continued to hit him.  Finally, the donkey turned and said “Why have you beat me three times?  Have I ever done this before?”

Now the odd thing is that the Bible says God opened the donkey’s mouth. The other odd thing is that Balaam argued back saying “you have made a fool of me.”

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Wasn’t he a little surprised that his donkey could talk?  It wasn’t until after the argument that God opened Balaam’s eyes and he saw the angel standing with a drawn sword who said, “the donkey just saved your life.”

At this point, all eyes and mouths have been opened and Balaam was warned he better do exactly as God commands.  Which he did.

5. Ecclesiastes 10:19

A feast is made for laughter, wine makes life merry, and money is the answer for everything.

6. Acts 2:15

These people are not drunk, as you suppose, it’s only nine o’clock in the morning

7. Proverbs 21:19

It’s better to live alone in the desert than with a crabby complaining wife

8. Proverbs 27:15-16

A continual dripping on a rainy day and a contentious wife are alike.  Trying to keep her in check is like stopping a windstorm or grabbing oil with your right hand.

9. Proverbs 25:24

It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.

10. Song of Solomon 4:2

Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn ewes, which have come from washing. All which bear twins, and not one among them has lost her young.

11. Genesis 25:30

He said to Jacob “Let me gulp some of that red stuff; for I’m starving”.

12. Ezekiel 4:12

“Very well,” he replied, “I allow you cow’s dung in place of human excrement; bake your bread on that.”

And finally, here are a few Bible verses that reference laughter, gladness and joy!

13. Job 8:21

Till he fill thy mouth with laughing and their lips with rejoicing.

14. Proverbs 15:13

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

15. Psalm 2-4

He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

16. Psalm 32:11

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice ye righteous: shout for joy all ye that are upright in heart.

17. Psalm 16:11

Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

18. Psalm 4:7

Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased.


I would encourage you to look up some of these stories and verses.  The Bible is full of life because God is the life-giver. Some of it is meant to be funny, while other verses are meant to be serious but also make us laugh.

Who would know more about laughing, crying, rejoicing, playing, sarcasm and wit but the one who created us.  The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) describes the trials and tribulations of the chosen people.

Fantastic creations of birds to bugs, calling down fire from heaven and talking donkeys all give witness to God’s holy but real plan for the world.  Mysteries abound but human nature never changes and included in being human is the need for levity, joy and laughter.